Beam Paints Paint Brushes


All natural ingredients - no plastic - great for the environment - 100% Canadian made - beautiful colors -
support Indigenous Family Business

Beam Paints is the result of a multi-generational love of pigment, paint, colour, and innovation. I was raised by my artist parents, Carl Beam and Ann Beam, and was taught from a young age how to harvest hematite pigment in the LaCloche mountain range near our home in M’Chigeeng First Nation on Manitoulin Island. Beam Paints draws on my early educations in Indigenous pigment and expands it to encompass all paint traditions. A focus on high quality pigment content creates sublime artist materials, with plastic free packaging. Beam Paints is 100% Anishnaabe Kwe owned, and operating in our home reserve of M’Chigeeng First Nation, we are happy to employ paintmakers and woodworkers, men and women from our communities including M’Chigeeng, Sagamok and Wikwemikong.

Beam Paints Gouache
Spectrum 11 $65.00
Beam Paints Primary Trio
Primary Trio $34.00
Beam Paints Wild Salmon Gift Set
Wind Salmon Gift Set $60.00
Beam Paints Gold Creek
Gold Creek Set $55.00
Beam Paints Complete Set
Beam Paints Complete Set $750.00
Beam Paints Beaver Pond
Beaver Pond palette $116.00
Bram Paints Miigwetch set
Miigwetch Thank You Set $34.00
Beam Paints Children Set
Children's Color $65.00
Beaaaaaaaaam Paints Georggian Bay Pine Set
Georgian Bay Pine Gift Set $79.00
Beam Paints Mino Dbishkaan!
Mini Dbishkaan! (Thank You) $45.00
Beam Paints Wawa Canada Goose
Wawa Canada Goose Set $97.00
Beam Paints Comfort Colors
Comfort Colors $48.00
Beam Paints Wet Grizzly Set
Wet Grizzly Gift Set $60.00
Beam Paints Waasnodin Set
Waasnoodin (Northern Lights) $75.00
Beam Paints Paintstones
Beam Paints Travel Cards
Spectrum 11 Travel Cards $20.0

Lightfast pigments, gum arabic, and Manitoulin maple sap blend together to create a handmade  saturated colour that is a joy to paint with. From thick stripes to fine washes and details, quality is evident in every stroke. Our watercolours are shaped into paintstones, our version of a half-pan, before being wrapped in beeswaxed cloth. Our pans are packaged in slices of cedar and birch offcuts from an Indigenous sustainable lumber operation. 

We have in stock a great selection of the above paintstones and gift sets. Come in and view our display.

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